Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Namidairo - YUI Lyrics & Chords

Kanji Lyric

嫌われているような 気がしてた 帰り道
見上げた部屋の灯り 今 どんな気持ちでいるのだろう?

ケンカになればすぐ謝る 弱くて あなたはずるい人

涙色 声が 聞こえない夜は
困らせてしまうほど わがままになりたい

大丈夫 そう言って見たけど

水たまりに映る 悲しい顔 見慣れている
ムリ 言わないつもり わかってるから 苦しくなるの

優しくされると泣けてくる やっぱり あなたはずるい人

涙色 声が 聞こえない夜は
困らせてしまうほど わがままになりたい

大丈夫 そう言って見たけど

あなたの前じゃ 嘘つきよ
気づいて欲しいと 思っているの
そんなに強いわけじゃないからね アタシ

涙こぼさない 決めていたのに
困らせてしまうよね? わがままになれない

大丈夫 何てまた訊くけど
Romaji Lyric
Kirawareteiru you na ki ga shiteta kaerimichi
Miageta heya no akari ima donna kimochi de iru no darou?

Kenka ni nareba sugu ayamaru yowakute anata wa zurui hito

Namidairo koe ga kikoenai yoru wa
Komarasete shimau hodo wagamama ni naritai
Daijoubu sou itte mita kedo
Sonna hazu nai desho…

Mizu tamari ni utsuru kanashii kao minareteiru
Muri iwanai tsumori wakatteru kara kurushiku naru no

Yasashiku sareru to naketekuru yappari anata wa zurui hito

Namidairo koe ga kikoenai yoru wa
Komarasete shimau hodo wagamama ni naritai
Daijoubu sou itte mita kedo
Sonna hazu nai desho…

Anata no mae ja uso tsuki yo
Kizuite hoshii to omotteiru no
Sonna ni tsuyoi wake ja nai kara ne atashi

Namida kobosanai kimeteita no ni
Komarasete shimau yo ne? wagamama ni narenai

Daijoubu? Nante mata kiku kedo
Sonna hazu nai desho…
Getting a feeling that I'm being disliked.. on the way home
Looking up at the brightness of the room
I wonder what kind of feelings I'm experiencing now

When we get into a fight I apologise immediately
I'm weak, and you are such a sly person

During nights when my tear-stained voice cannot be heard
I want to become wilful even if it means being a nuisance
Tried to say I'm alright but
That's not possible isn't it

I’m accustomed to seeing my sorrowful face reflected in the puddle
Because I'm fully aware of my intention not to say that I give up/in… I become hurt

Whenever I'm treated gently by you I will feel like crying, you’re really such a sly person afterall

During nights when my tear-stained voice cannot be heard
I want to become wilful even if it means being a nuisance
Tried to say I'm alright but
That's not possible isn't it

In front of you I’m such a liar you know
Kept thinking “I hope that you would realise this”
Because I’m not in the least that strong at all

Despite already deciding not to allow my tears to fall
I'm troubling you ain't I? I just can’t be wilful

Once again I asked myself if I was alright but
That’s not possible isn’t it

Chords &Tabs
Em7 - 022030
G6 - 320030
A7sus4 - x02030
Cadd9 - x32030
Dsus2 - xx0230


Em7 G6 A7sus4 Cadd9 x2

Em7 G6 A7sus4 Cadd9 x3
Em7 G6 A7sus4 G

C G C Dsus2

C D Bm Em
Am D Bm G
C D Bm Em

repeat INTRO

repeat VERSE


C D Bm Em
Am D Bm G
C D Bm Em
C D G G7

C G D Em

C D Bm Em
Am D Bm G
C D Bm Em

G6 Cadd9 G6 Cadd9

Romaji &Translation credit to  uchihamel
Chords credit to tsunvun86

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