Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Laugh Away - YUI Lyrics & Chords

Kanji Lyric

見上げたら ヒコーキ雲 明日へと消えた
僕は それでもずっと 自転車を漕ぎ続けた

上り坂 駆け上がる あの空の向こう
いつか 追い越せるような そんな気がしているから

逸れそうな Get away Get away
情熱を Get away Get away
逃さないように 手を伸ばして。。。

とにかく君に会いたくなった yeah

いつだって 負けないように ねぇ

そう 笑って そっと 笑って Laugh away
そう 笑って いつも 笑って

丘の上 息を切らし 町を見下ろした
多分 君の家の 屋根くらいは見えるはず

窓のそっと 海がすぐだよなんて 話してた
だから あの場所あたり? 同じ「今」感じている

溢れそうな Get away Get away
情熱を Get away Get away
こぼさないように 手を伸ばして


いつだって 負けないように

Never mind. Never mind. 落ち込んだら
yeah yeah ここに来て 風に吹かれたい

僕だって強くなれるのさ yeah

いつだって 負けないようにねぇ

そう 笑って いつも 笑って

Romaji Lyric
Miagetara hikoukigumo ashita e to kieta
Boku wa soredemo zutto jitensha wo kogitsuzuketa

Noborisaka kake agaru ano sora no mukou
Itsuka oikoseru you na sonna ki ga shiteiru kara

Haguresou na get away get away
Jounetsu wo get away get away
Nogasanai you ni te wo nobashite

Chippoke na koto ni nayanjatte
Tonikaku kimi ni aitakunatta yeah

Umaretate no haru no nioi ni
Sakihokoru sakura no hanabira
Itsudatte makenai you ni nee

Sou waratte sotto waratte laugh away
Sou waratte itsumo waratte

Oka no ue iki wo kirashi machi wo mioroshita
Tabun kimi no uchi no yane kurai wa mieru hazu

Mado no sotto umi ga sugu da yo nante hanashiteta
Dakara ano basho watari onaji ma kanjiteiru

Afuresou na get away get away
Jounetsu wo get away get away
Kobosanai you ni te wo nobashite

Chippoke na koto ni nayanjatte
Tonikaku kimi ni aitakunatta yeah

Me no mae ni hirogaru keshiki wo
Wasuretewa ikenai ki ga shita
Itsudatte makenai you ni

Never mind never mind ochikondara
Yeah yeah koko ni kite kaze ni fukaretai

Chiisa na egao ga mitai kara
Boku datte tsuyoku nareru no sa yeah

Umaretate no haru no nioi ni
Sakihokoru sakura no hanabira
Itsudatte makenai you ni nee

Sou waratte itsumo waratte
As I looked up, the streak of clouds (left behind in the trail of planes) disappeared to tomorrow
Even then, I continued to paddle on my bicycle

Yeah, climbing up the upslope, to the sky on the other side
Because I felt I could overcome that some day

As if losing my way, get away get away
Don't lose your passion/ ambition (Get away Get away)
Stretch out your arms

Worrying about the trivial things
Suddenly I felt like seeing you

The smell of fresh spring
The petals of the blossoming sakura
I will never lose to it.

Yes laugh, laugh away
Yes laugh, keep laughing

On top of the hill, I took a deep breath and looked down
I probably could only see the roof of your house

And you said the sea is just outside the windows
At that place, I could feel the same presence

The overflowing (Get away Get away)
Don't spill your (overflowing) passion (Get away Get away)
Stretch out your arms

Worrying about the trivial things
Suddenly, I felt like seeing you

The scenery right in front of my eyes
I felt I mustn't forget it.
I will never lose to it.

When I feel depressed and down, yeah yeah
I want to come here, and be blown by the wind

I want to see your little smile
I, too, can become stronger

The smell of the fresh Spring
The petals of the blossoming sakura
I will never lose to it

Yes, laugh. Keep laughing away.
Chords &Tabs
Asus2 - x02200
Bsus2 - x24422
C#m - x46654
Ebm - x68876
Bsus4/A - x04400
CM7/A - x05500
E7sus4 - x07700

Asus2 (riff: Asus2 Bsus4/A CM7/A E7sus4)
Asus2 Bsus2 C#m Bsus2 (x2)

E Asus2 C#m Bsus2 (X2)
F#7 A Bsus2

Asus2 E Bsus2 C#m (x4)

Asus2 Bsus2 C#m Bsus2

repeat VERSE

Asus2 E Bsus2 C#m (x2)

Dsus2 E
Dsus2 Bsus2

C#m Ebm E F#m (x2)
C#m Ebm F#

Asus2 E Bsus2 C#m (x3)

Asus2 Bsus2 C#m Bsus2 (x2)

Intro/Outro Solo:

Middle Solo:

Solo tab:



 R/K/T credit to depyon
Chords and Tabs credit to tsunvun86

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