Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hey!Say!BEST-SCORE Lyrics

ありがとう 流れる五つのメーロディぼくには見えるよ
並び合った音符たちが見栄張り合い ながら
信じてる 五つのメーロディぼくには見えるよ

B  BROTHER 僕らと共に未知のトビラを開こう
S  SMILE 互いの笑顔の輝きを放って
T TIME 魔法じゃないこの瞬間人生一番のBEST

合わさるこ とはないけど

そっと 上みて空みて君には見える
この 僕らだけの楽譜が

ありがとう 流れる五つのメーロディぼくには見えるよ
並び合った音符 たちが見栄張り合いながら
信じてる 五つのメーロディぼくには見えるよ
まだみえない明日にいまを歌お う


さあ 輝く笑顔から生まれるメロディ
横 をみればいつでもBESTな仲間がいる

Arigatou nagareru itsutsu no melody boku ni wa mieru yo
Narabi atta onputachi ga mie hari ai nagara
Shinjiteru itsutsu no melody boku ni wa mieru yo
Tabiji to iu sen ni notte
Mada mienai asu ni ima wo utao

B BROTHER Bokura to tomo ni michi no tobira wo hirako
E EASY GOING kiraku ni kinaga sou STEP AND JUMP
S SMILE Tagai no egao no kagayaki wo hotte
T TIME Mahou janai kono shunkan jinsei ichiban no BEST

Me no mae no gohonsen
Awasaru koto wa nai kedo
Itsudemo tonaride boku mo kanaderu yo 
Aruiteku rizumu ya tsuyosa wa chigau kedo
Narabu tabi umareru kizuna no harmony

Sotto ue mite sora mite kimi ni wa mieru
Kono bokura dake no gafuku ga

Arigatou nagareru itsutsu no melody boku ni wa mieru yo
Narabi atta onputachi ga mie hari ai nagara
Shinjiteru itsutsu no melody boku ni wa mieru yo
Tabiji to iu sen ni notte
Mada mienai asu ni ima wo utao

Namida de maega mienai toki wa
Gyuttotsu nai da te wo hanasanai yo

Saa, kagayaku egao kara umareru melody
Yoko wo mireba itsudemo BEST na nakama ga iru
Yume wo tsuyoku egaku tabi ni kirameku melody
Kibou to iu sen ni notte
Mada mienai mirai ni ima wo sakebou

Thank you, this is how I see the flow of the melody of us five
Musical notes that both flow with each other as well rival
I believe in the melody of us five, the one that I see
Lines that are on a journey
I'll sing now to as tomorrow that isn't seen yet

B BROTHER We open the door that is unknown to us
E EASY GOING We are patient and optimistic so STEP AND JUMP
S SMILE Exchanging smiles make us glow
T TIME It's not magic, this moment is the best of BEST

At first glance
We might not fit
Every time I'm close, playing with it
Our strengths and rhythm while we walk is different
But once they come along our bonds form a harmony

Quietly observing from above like the sky, I see you
This, is our only score is

Thank you, this is how I see the flow of the melody of us five
Musical notes that both flow with each other as well rival
I believe in the melody of us five, the one that I see
Lines that are on a journey
I'll sing now to tomorrow that isn't seen yet

Times before tears will not be seen
Holding hands we re connected, I will not let go

Now, the melody that comes from a bright smile
When I look next to me, the BEST friends are always there
Time draws strong melodies out of shimmering dreams
It's called hope, the line that we ride
I will cry it out in the future that is not seen yet

full credit to: [info]hikarinoniji
dan beberapa penambahan kata 'ga iru'dan perbaikan kata 'itsusu menjadi itsutsu' dari saya~

daisukiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ uta ni~

official lyric HERE

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