Monday, June 28, 2010

Thousand Light - Hikaru Yaotome Lyrics

Kanji Lyric

Once again I try to get me

Show me now 未来よ Come back
I start it again Let's get my Wing Here we go

揺るがぬ大地 絶えず息をしては
You don’t take me
Thousand parting sorrow
見上げた先へ 力任せにI fly
Into the thousand light
(I don't know how to fly, but I want to go now)

Thousand parting sorrow
嗚呼 My pride My truth
見上げた先へ 力任せにI fly
Into the thousand light

I fly
Into the thousand light
(I don't know how to fly, but I want to go now)
Romaji Lyric
Once again I try to get me
Show me now mirai yo Come back
I start it again Let's get my Wing Here we go

Yuru ganu daichi taezu iki wo shite wa
You don’t take me
Maigo wa boku darou
Shou ga nai to ii kikaseru tabi ni kokoro ga
Nageki dasu no wa
Tobidateru akashi sa
Thousand parting sorrow
Koete tsuyoku nare
Miageta saki e chikara makase ni I fly
Into the thousand light
(I don't know how to fly, but I want to go now)

Thousand parting sorrow
Koete tsuyoku nare
Donna shunkan mo boku de aru tame
Aa My pride My truth
Tori modosu you ni
Miageta saki e chikara makase ni I fly
Into the thousand light

I fly Into the thousand light
(I don't know how to fly, but I want to go now)
Once again I try to get me
Show me now future Come back
I start it again Let's get my Wing Here we go

Unfaltering ground My breath that can’t be stopped
You don’t take me
I am the lost one
Times when I’m told that things can’t be helped, my heart
Starts to grieve
It is the proof that will fly away
Thousand parting sorrow
Is extending so be stronger
To the future that I looked up into, with all my might I fly
Into the thousand light
(I don't know how to fly, but I want to go now)

Thousand parting sorrow
Is extending so be stronger
To always be myself no matter what moment might become
Oh My pride My truth
In order to take them back
To the future that I looked up into, with all my might I fly
Into the thousand light

I fly
Into the thousand light
(I don't know how to fly, but I want to go now)
full credit to yuizaki_libra @ hey_say

3 komentar:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting...I will be back again to read more on this topic.

September 13, 2010 at 4:21 AM
Anonymous said...

Top blog, I had not noticed before during my searches!
Continue the wonderful work!

September 19, 2010 at 5:31 AM
Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing this link - but unfortunately it seems to be not working? Does anybody here at have a mirror or another source?


December 5, 2010 at 8:10 AM

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