Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Paradise Kiss" premiere & YUI's surprise concert

Pada 30 Mei, film "Paradise Kiss" akhirnya diadakan premier di Shibuya CCLemon Hall, yang dihadiri oleh para pemeran, Kitagawa Keiko, Mukai Osamu, Yamamoto Yusuke, Igarashi Shunji, Omasa Aya, Kaku Kento, Kato Natsuki, dan direktur Shinjo Takehiko.
Mereka melakukan fashion show khusus untuk penonton.

Pusat cerita seorang gadis SMA yang suatu hari bertemu dengan sekelompok siswa desain. Teman-teman barunya mendorong dia untuk menjadi model, dan ceritanya mengikuti jalannya mewujudkan impian itu. Tokoh utama, Yukari, dimainkan oleh Kitagawa 24 tahun, yang memiliki beberapa keraguan tentang mengenakan seragam sekolah lagi. "Ketika saya pertama kali mencoba seragam, saya tidak berpikir ini terlihat pantas, tetapi orang lain meyakinkan saya bahwa saya masih bisa memakainya. Jika Anda menyipitkan mata ketika anda menonton film [ini akan terlihat lebih baik], "dia malu-malu bercanda. Dia menambahkan, "Film ini berisi banyak kutipan yang dapat mendorong Anda ketika Anda merasa kecewa. Selain fashion, harap memperhatikan kata-kata juga. "

Setelah film itu diputar, penyanyi-penulis lagu YUI (yang menulis dua lagu untuk soundtrack) memberikan konser kejutan. YUI menulis tema utama film,“HELLO~Paradise Kiss~“, dan ending "YOU". Sementara penonton bertepuk tangan pada akhir film, mereka melihat beberapa anggota staf panggung menyiapkan peralatan. Ketika semua orang menyadari akan ada pertunjukan musik, tingkat kebisingan melejit.

YUI melompat ke panggung memakai ikat ekor kuda lucu dan menuju ke penonton dengan antusias, dan bersorak, "Aku YUI! Mari kita bernyanyi ". Selama bagian dari uptempo" HELLO ~ Paradise Kiss ~ "dia kadang-kadang bertepuk tangan sambil bernyanyi, dan penonton juga ikut mulai bertepuk tangan dengannya.

Ketika YUI selesai tampil, dengan senang dia berkata, "Terima kasih sudah mendengarkan! Aku senang melihat kalian lagi. Ini YUI ",! Dan meninggalkan panggung.

Film "Paradise Kiss" adalah sebuah drama tentang cinta muda, berdasarkan komik mega-hit dari nama yang sama yang ditulis oleh Ai Yazawa. Komik aslinya terjual lebih dari 6 juta eksemplar. Film adaptasi ini akan terbuka secara nasional pada tanggal 4 Juni.

from TokyoHive
On May 30th, the movie “Paradise Kiss” finally held its premiere at Shibuya C.C.Lemon Hall, which was attended by cast members Kitagawa Keiko, Mukai Osamu, Yamamoto Yusuke, Igarashi Shunji, Omasa Aya, Kaku Kento, Kato Natsuki, and director Shinjo Takehiko.

The actors provided a special fashion show for the audience, donning various outfits from the movie to music by sweetbox. Seeing their favorite ‘characters’ in person, the premiere’s 2,000 guests erupted in cheers.

The plot centers around a high school girl who one day meets a group of design students. Her new friends encourage her to become a model, and the story traces her path to realizing that dream. The heroine, Yukari, is played by 24-year-old Kitagawa, who had some qualms about wearing a school uniform again. “When I first tried on the uniform, I didn’t think it looked right, but everyone else assured me that I could still wear it. If you squint when you watch the movie [it will look better],” she shyly joked. She added, “This movie contains a lot of quotes that can encourage you when you’re feeling down. Besides the fashion, please pay attention to the words as well.”

After the movie was screened, singer-songwriter YUI (who wrote two songs for the soundtrack) gave a surprise concert. YUI wrote both the main theme of the movie, “HELLO~Paradise Kiss~“, and ending theme “YOU“. While the audience was applauding at the end of the movie, they noticed some staff members onstage setting up equipment. When everyone realized there would be a musical performance, the noise level skyrocketed.

YUI bounded onstage wearing a cute ponytail and addressed the audience enthusiastically, cheering, “I’m YUI! Let’s sing!” During parts of the uptempo “HELLO~Paradise Kiss~” she would sometimes clap in time with her singing, and the audience would begin to clap with her.

When YUI finished performing, she happily said, “Thank you for listening! I’d love to see you all again. This was YUI!”, and left the stage. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the exciting premiere, which was full to the brim with hot star sightings and a wild music set. They commented, “That was awesome!” and “I don’t think I will get over this excitement!”.

The movie “Paradise Kiss” is a drama about young love, based on the mega-hit comic of the same name written by Yazawa Ai. The original comic sold more than 6 million copies. Its film adaptation will open nation-wide on June 4th.

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