Sunday, July 4, 2010


Watanabe Entertainment has announced that they will make a special 5-member actors unit called D-BOYS for their “2010 D-BOYS Project.” Four members have already been chosen and they are currently recruiting the 5th member.
Watanabe Entertainment telah mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan membuat unit 5-anggota khusus aktor bernama D-Boys untuk "2010 D-Boys Proyek" mereka. Empat anggota sudah dipilih. Dan mereka sedang merekrut anggota ke-5.
The 4 members of the special unit will start their first TV program called “D-BOYS BE AMBITIOUS” on July 4th. In the program they will show the progress of the audition and final judgment will be made in September.
4 anggota unit khusus ini akan mulai program TV pertama mereka yang disebut "D-BOYS BE AMBITIOUS" pada 4 Juli . Dalam program ini , mereka akan menunjukkan kemajuan audisi dan keputusan terakhir akan dibuat pada bulan September.
The 4 members of the special unit so far are Seto Kouji, Araki Hirofumi, Nakamura Yuichi, and Igarashi Shunji.
4 anggota dari unit khusus sejauh ini Seto Kouji, Araki Hirofumi, Nakamura Yuichi, dan Igarashi Shunji.
source :  TokyoHive & Sanspo

trans to indo by me

Kyaaaa~ Kouji...........<3

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