Sunday, January 16, 2011

D-BOYS STAGE ~William Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice,"~

Grup teater D-BOYS telah mengumumkan bahwa "D-BOYS STAGE" produksi musim semi ini adalah karya William Shakespeare "The Merchant of Venice," penampilan oleh keseluruhan peran laki-laki.

Masato Wada (31), yang tertua dari grup, akan mengambil peran utama sebagai pedagang Antonio. Masaki Kaji (22) dan Hiroki Suzuki (27) berperan sebagai temannya ,Bassanio dan Lorenzo, sementara kekasih mereka ,Portia dan Jessica, akan dimainkan oleh Masahiro Usui (19) dan Kotaro Yanagi (25).

"The Merchant of Venice"akan dipertunjukkan di Sunshine Teater di Ikebukuro dari 29 April - 8 Mei.

Theatrical group D-BOYS has announced that its "D-BOYS STAGE" production this spring will be William Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice," performed with an all-male cast.

Masato Wada (31), the oldest of the group, will take on the lead role as the merchant Antonio. Masaki Kaji (22) and Hiroki Suzuki (27) are playing his friends Bassanio and Lorenzo, while their love interests Portia and Jessica will be played by Masahiro Usui (19) and Kotaro Yanagi (25).

"The Merchant of Venice" will be performed at Sunshine Theatre in Ikebukuro from April 29 to May 8.

source: Sponichi Annex  ,Tokyograph

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