Thursday, July 8, 2010

Life-sized Gundam appears in Shizuoka

It’s been 30 years since sales began on plastic models from the popular anime, “Mobile Suit GUNDAM.” To celebrate the 30th year anniversary, a life-sized Gundam was commissioned to appear in Shizuoka.
Sudah 30 tahun sejak penjualan dimulai pada model plastik dari anime populer, "Mobile Suit Gundam" Untuk merayakan ulang tahun ke 30 tahun, sebuah Gundam berukuran hidup ditugaskan untuk muncul di Shizuoka..
This life-sized Gundam first made it’s appearance during construction phases on the artificial island of Odaiba in Tokyo but has since moved to Shizuoka.
Gundam berukuran hidup ini pertama kali membuat penampilan selama fase konstruksi di pulau buatan Odaiba di Tokyo tetapi sejak pindah ke Shizuoka.
The Gundam itself has finished construction, but they still need to add some final touches before it’s fully revealed to the public. The debut of the life-sized Gundam is scheduled to occur on the 24th.
Gundam itu sendiri telah menyelesaikan pembangunan, tetapi mereka masih perlu menambahkan beberapa sentuhan akhir sebelum sepenuhnya memberitahukan kepada publik. Debut dari Gundam berukuran hidup ini dijadwalkan berlangsung pada tanggal 24.
Source: , TokyoHive
trans to Indo : me


1 komentar:

Playmobil Life in the City said...

This is really awesome. I wanted to see this Gundam myself.

July 30, 2011 at 1:51 PM

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