Saturday, July 24, 2010

Akanishi Jin apologizes to KAT-TUN members

Akanishi Jin commented on Johnny’s Entertainment’s official mobile site on the 20th.
Akanishi Jin berkomentar di situs mobile resmi Johnny's Entertainment pada tanggal 20.

Jin wrote, “As many of you know, I will be going solo from now on. I would say the reason for my withdrawal are the directional differences (between Jin and KAT-TUN members). It’s not that I don’t like the members or have problems with them, so don’t worry.”
Jin menulis, "Sebanyak yang Kalian ketahui, aku akan Solo dari sekarang. Aku akan mengatakan alasan penarikanku adalah perbedaan arah (antara Jin dan anggota KAT-TUN ) . Bukan karena saya tidak suka anggota lain atau memiliki masalah dengan mereka, jadi jangan khawatir. "

Jin also wrote a message to KAT-TUN, “I have troubled you with both big things and small things. I am sorry. Thank you and I had so much fun with you.”
Jin juga menulis pesan ke KAT-TUN, "Aku telah menyusahkan Kalian antara hal-hal besar dan hal-hal kecil. Aku menyesal. Terima kasih dan sangat menyenangkan bersama Kalian. "
According to his comment, Jin will still continue, singing, dancing and acting – the same as he has been doing, but he will broaden his horizons to other Asian countries, the U.S, Europe and of course, Japan.
Menurut komentar, Jin masih akan terus, bernyanyi, menari dan akting- sama seperti yang ia telah lakukan, tapi ia akan memperluas wawasan ke negara-negara Asia lainnya, Amerika Serikat, Eropa dan tentu saja, Jepang.

source: Nikkan sports, TokyoHive


1 komentar:

Neein said...

Sedih kalo inget2 Jin..
Tapi aku blom yakin dg semua ini..
Berharap kalo Jin tetap akn kembali sama KAT-TUN

July 28, 2010 at 1:01 PM

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