Monday, June 28, 2010

Awaking Emotion - Eiji Wentz Lyric

Kanji Lyric
目覚めたばかりの感情は 手探りで闇彷徨って
もしも運命が僕たちの 歩むべき道照らしたら
約束の場所 辿り着くはず

何回も躓いて 現実に傷ついたって
目を逸らさず 強くなれ
優柔な決断力 とんがった感覚も
窮屈な日常を すべて失ったって
漠然とした未来 信じよう

もし願うなら 君も飛べるんだ
心を鎖から 解き放て

走り出したんだ感情が 君の残像に重なって
向かい風の中 僕を包んだ
もしも運命が僕たちの 歩むべき道照らしたら
約束の場所 辿り着くはず

偶然が重なって 困難な状況さえも
限界は考えない いつだって
退屈な過ぎ去って アクセク動く Imagination
軟弱な欲望を 切り捨てろ

目に映るモノ 全部受け止める
君とならきっと 出来るさ

目覚めたばかりの感情は 手探りで闇彷徨って
もしも運命が僕たちの 歩むべき道照らしたら
約束の場所 辿り着くはず

走り出したんだ感情が 君の残像に重なって
向かい風の中 僕が包んだ
もしも運命が僕たちの 歩むべき道照らしたら
約束の場所 辿り着くはず

目覚めたばかりの感情は 手探りで闇彷徨って
もしも運命が僕たちの 歩むべき道照らしたら
約束の場所 辿り着くはず

Romaji Lyric
Mezameta bakari no kanjou wa tesaguri de yami samayotte
Hanasanai mou soba ni iru kara
Moshi mo unmei ga boku-tachi no ayumu beki michi terashitara
Yakusoku no basho tadoritsuku hazu

Nankai mo tsumazuite genjitsu ni kizutsuitatte
Me wo sorasazu tsuyoku nare
Yuujun na ketsudan ryoku tongatta kankaku mo
Kimi no sonzai wo motometeru
Kyuukutsu na nichijou wo subete ushinattatte
Bakuzen toshita mirai shinjiyou

Moshi negau nara kimi mo toberun da
Kokoro wo kusari kara toki hanate

Hashiri dashitan da kanjou ga kimi no zanzou ni kasanatte
Mukai kaze no naka boku wo tsutsun da
Moshi mo unmei ga boku-tachi no ayumu beki michi terashitara
Yakusoku no basho tadoritsuku hazu

Guuzen ga kasanatte konran na jyoukyou sae mo
Genkai wa kangaenai itsudatte
Taikutsu ga sugisatte akuseku ugoku Imagination
Nan jaku na yokubou wo kirisutero

Me ni utsuru mono zenbu uketome
Kimi to nara kitto dekiru sa

Mezameta bakari no kanjou wa tesaguri de yami samayotte
Hanasanai mou soba ni iru kara
Moshi mo unmei ga boku-tachi no ayumu beki michi terashitara
Yakusoku no basho tadoritsuku hazu

Hashiri dashitan da kanjou ga kimi no zanzou ni kasanatte
Mukai kaze no naka boku wo tsutsun da
Moshi mo unmei ga boku-tachi no ayumu beki michi terashitara
Yakusoku no basho tadoritsuku hazu

Mezameta bakari no kanjou wa tesaguri de yami samayotte
Hanasanai mou soba ni iru kara
Moshi mo unmei ga boku-tachi no ayumu beki michi terashitara
Yakusoku no basho tadoritsuku hazu
This awaking emotion is feeling its way through the dark.
I won't leave, I'll stay by your side.
Our fate is shining, lighting each path we're meant to take,
so we will reach the promised land.

No matter how many times reality kicks us down,
be strong, don't close your eyes.
Bad decisions and painful feelings lurk everywhere,
searching to take you over.
Even if we lose everything we live for,
we must still believe in the future.

If you wish it, you can fly.
Set your heart free from its chains.

This emotion has started running, overlapping images of you
and wrapping me in the wind's teeth.
Our fate is shining, lighting each path we're meant to take,
so we will reach the promised land.

Coincidences attack one after the other,
even during the hardest of times.
I never think about the limit, because
imagination is busy cutting away my weaknesses.

I'll accept everything I see.
I know I can do it if I'm with you.

This awaking emotion is feeling its way through the dark.
I won't leave, I'll stay by your side.
Our fate is shining, lighting each path we're meant to take,
so we will reach the promised land.

This emotion has started running, overlapping images of you
and wrapping me in the wind's teeth.
Our fate is shining, lighting each path we're meant to take,
so we will reach the promised land.

This awaking emotion is feeling its way through the dark.
I won't leave, I'll stay by your side.
Our fate is shining, lighting each path we're meant to take,
so we will reach the promised land.
credit : musicbox_trans

yah ini lagu Eiji Wentz sendirian tanpa Teppei Koike~
kalau gak salah ini juga soundtrack dari film Ge Ge no Kitaro deh~
ia kan?ia deh. 
yang Eiji jadi Kintaro...*ia tau!doh dodol deh* 

ini yang aku fikir gak ada videonya eh ternyata sudah ada tersimpan cukup lama~
sepertinya video ini dikasih si dedek deh..soalnya aku gak ada merasa download... 

*lupa diposting,dah lama lagi*

1 komentar:

Unknown said...

This song is very beautiful, I love it!

PS: What font did you use to write the title on the top image? :)

April 23, 2014 at 4:11 AM

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