Saturday, January 1, 2011
Sign J-Drama 2011
Untuk sekarang, susah banget cari informasi tentang drama ini.
Ini dari website sign.
【内 容】
tranlated by google
Department of Child high school seniors (Uehara Takuya), since the deaf and suffered from serious illness due to the summer two years ago, were scattered unfocused anger every day.
"Why is this happening to just me ...."
I love music, bright personality will hide the shadow, even parents, Shinji's brother (Yanagisawa Takahiko) also had gotten a friend and opening the heart.
Department met with the child dance like that.
Be the first dance was to be made fun of the guys are dancing.
But it was to disguise the weakness of the mind to be deaf to dance.
Department of Child classmates form a dance team, Very beautiful shot parents grew up in the abandoned facilities (Sakurada Dori) for tuna schools must quit their life (Hirama Soichi), the parent eagle laid rails Mitakunai (Terada Takuya). They also each had a problem. Junior one more calm (Yoshizawa Ryo), senior Taro eyes watching them warm (Hashimoto Atsushi). Meeting and dance, and meet with colleagues, Department of Child heart melts little by little.
In the world, have a lot to be helpless. But I'm not supposed stopped.Even walking painful Kenakya -. ning the heart.
*dengan sedikit editan nama*
yang jelas ceritanya tentang Dance gitu.
artikan sendirilah.
【出 演】
大 江(おおえ) 童 司(どうじ) …………………………… 植原卓也
水 本(みずもと) 頼 光(よりみつ) …………………………… 桜田 通
坂 田(さかた) 太 郎(たろう) …………………………… 橋本 淳
大 江(おおえ) 慎 司(しんじ) …………………………… 柳澤貴彦
渡 辺(わたなべ) 綱(つな) …………………………… 平間壮一
茨 木(いばらき) 飛(とび) …………………………… 寺田拓哉
結 城(ゆうき) な ぎ …………………………… 吉沢 亮
Hiroshi Kou ( Eh Oh ) Department of Child ( Douji ) …………………………… Uehara Takuya
Mizumoto ( Under Water ) Lai light ( From honey ) …………………………… Sakurada Dori
Sakata ( Sakata )Kota Division ( Taro ) …………………………… Hashimoto Atsushi
Hiroshi Kou (Eh Oh ) Makoto Mamoru (Shinji )…………………………… Yanagisawa Takahiko
Watanabe ( Watanabe ) Rope ( One of ) …………………………… Hirama Soichi
Ibaraki ( Ibaraki ) Fly ( Bright ) …………………………… Terada Takuya
Castle result ( Yuuki ) Motegi and ……………………………Yoshizawa Ryo
Airing January 2011, the MBS late-night drama series "Sign"
Starting January 12th, 2011, the drama will air every Wednesday late at night 1:35~2:05 on MBS Mainichi Broadcasting System, Inc.
Troubled young people with fears of what's to come.
These men met through dance, change their lives with dance, the youths working together.
His role is the High School 3rd year, a hero among children, Mizumoto Raiko (Micchan).
A lover of isolation, yet has perfect grades and excels at sports.
from: Original staff report from Sakurada Dori's blog
tranlsation credit to
artis-artis AMUSE banyak ya.
Sakurada Dori
Uehara Takuya
Terada Takuya
Hirama Souichi
Yoshizawa Ryo
Yanagisawa Takahiko
Hashimoto Atsushi
pengen nonton.
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