Thursday, July 15, 2010

Yuzu’s special live out of gratitude

Popular duo Yuzu, held a special live event at live house “CROSS STREET” in Isezaki-cho, Yokohama. Isezaki-cho is where Yuzu was holding street lives when they were just starting out. Yuzu says that Isezaki-cho is their origin.
Duo populer Yuzu, mengadakan acara live khusus di live house “CROSS STREET” di Isezaki-cho, Yokohama. Isezaki-cho adalah tempat Yuzu memegang kehidupan jalanan ketika mereka baru memulai. Yuzu mengatakan bahwa Isezaki-cho adalah asal mereka.
The special live was held to repay people in Isezaki-cho and 50 local people who supported Yuzu were invited. Yuzu sang 6 songs including one of their masterpieces “Eikou no kakehashi“, to show their gratitude to the local people.
Spesial live diadakan untuk membalas budi orang-orang di Isezaki-cho dan 50 orang lokal yang mendukung Yuzu telah diundang. Yuzu menyanyikan 6 lagu termasuk salah satu karya mereka “Eikou no kakehashi“ , untuk menunjukkan rasa terima kasih mereka kepada masyarakat setempat.
Yuzu will start their tour on the 15th, using only guitars, just like their street singing days.
Yuzu akan mulai tur mereka pada tanggal 15, menggunakan gitar saja, sama seperti hari-hari menyanyi mereka di jalan.
Source: + 47NEWS , TokyoHive

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