Thursday, July 8, 2010
Taeyang’s SOLAR album ranks worldwide
Taeyang’s solo album SOLAR solidly ranks high on the world’s best digital music jukebox, iTunes.
Solo Album Taeyang "SOLAR" kokoh di peringkat tinggi di jukebox musik digital terbaik di dunia, iTunes.These are the results of Taeyang’s SOLAR album rankings on various iTunes R&B charts as of late:
Ini adalah hasil peringkat album Taeyang "SOLAR" pada berbagai iTunes R&B chart akhir-akhir ini:* On the Canadian iTunes, the album ranks a staggering 2nd place on the R&B chart. According to the results on the 8th from the R&B chart, SOLAR follows 2nd right behind Usher’s album.
* Di iTunes Kanada, album di tempat ke-2 mengejutkan pada R&B chart. Menurut hasil pososi ke-8 dari R&B chart, SOLAR di urutan ke-2 tepat di belakang album Usher.* Taeyang’s SOLAR album ranks an impressive 16th place on the American iTunes R&B chart as well.
* Album SOLAR di peringkat 16 tempat mengesankan di iTunes Amerika R &B chart juga.
* 17th on the German iTunes R&B chart.
* 8th on the Japanese iTunes R&B chart.
* peringkat ke 17 di iTunes Jerman R &B chart.
* peringkat ke 8 di iTunes Jepang R &B chart.
YG Entertainment expressed their reactions, “The album was revealed on iTunes on the 7th. We were extremely surprised at the unexpected results.”
YG Entertainment mengungkapkan reaksi mereka, "Album ini diberitahukan di iTunes pada tanggal 7. Kami sangat terkejut dengan hasil yang tidak diharapkan. "With a loving and supportive fan-base worldwide as well as his sweet and powerful vocals showcased in his new solo album, it’s no surprise that Taeyang’s SOLAR album ranks prominently on the iTunes’ R&B charts.
Dengan basis penggemar di seluruh dunia yang mencintai dan mendukung kemanisannya serta vokal kuat yang dipamerkan di album solo barunya, tak mengherankan bahwa peringkat album SOLAR menonjol di iTunes R &B chart.source: allkpop
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