Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sato Takeru will be playing Himura Kenshin? Rumor?

Popular manga, “Rurouni Kenshin” (Shonen Jump in 1994~1999) will come back as a live action movie.
Populer manga, "Rurouni Kenshin" (Shonen Jump pada tahun 1994 ~ 1999) akan datang kembali sebagai Live Action Movie.

Although Rurouni Kenshin came out as an anime, it was too difficult to make a live action version due to the lack of CG skills at that time.
Meskipun Rurouni Kenshin keluar sebagai sebuah anime, itu terlalu sulit untuk membuat versi aksi hidup karena kurangnya ketrampilan CG pada saat itu.
Actor, Sato Takeru will be playing Himura Kenshin who is a legendary assassin. Takeru is currently in popular drama “Ryomaden” as Okada Izo who is a Samurai of the late Edo period. Since Takeru plays the role of a Samurai very well, he was chosen to play Kenshin as well.
Aktor, Sato Takeru akan bermain sebagai Himura Kenshin yang merupakan pembunuh legendaris. Takeru sekarang ini dalam drama populer "Ryomaden" sebagai Okada Izo ,samurai dari akhir zaman Edo . Sejak Takeru memainkan peran yang sangat baik sebagai Samurai, ia terpilih untuk bermain Kenshin juga.
The shoot for the movie will start this summer.
Pembuatan film akan mulai musim panas ini.
source :Cyzo woman, TokyoHive

add info:

1) With Cyzo as a source, this is still considered as a rumor.
2) quote from a comment at [info]cube_of_takeru

"Just to add a few information from entante:

- Watsuki (the mangaka) has declined several offers from Hollywood, but he decided to go ahead with this one.
- The development is already there for a long time, but they're waiting for the CG to catch up so they can do commendable jobs on the fast-breaking sword actions.
- Other names that were mentioned apart from Takeru are Miura Haruma, Ikuta Toma, Oguri Shun." - [info]anduril_narsil

source :[info]aramatheydidnt

padahal dah senang banget Sato Takeru main di film ini,
tapi lebih senang lagi kalau Haruma Miura........

kenapa masih rumor sih.......
mudah-mudahan yang jadi Kenshin kalau gak Takeru ya Haru-chan........

tambahan aja lagi:

It is confirmed! Plans for adapting a live-action film adaption of Nobuhiko Watsuki’s Rurouni Kenshinis on the works, with Takeru Sato playing the role of the X-scared samurai, Kenshin Himura.

There were also rumors of Kenshin being played by Miura Haruma , Oguri Shun, Ikuta Toma , etc. but the staff settled on Sato Takeru as they saw him to be more fit for the role.

There are plans back then to adapt this film but due to the technology, they can’t pursue with the plan. There also offers coming from Hollywood to adapt this film but Watsuki declined those offers. As we all know, there are lots of disappointments from Hollywood adaptations of animes.

source :– Entate / JE-Fusion , JpopFun!

biar jelas,kira-kira begitu beritanya...
dari berbagai sumber...

aku maunya Haru-chan.. tapi Takeru ikutan juga..

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