Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Mash Game!!

dari judulnya kita tahu bahwa ini adalah sebuah permainan..
dan saya hanya iseng..

asal-asalan isi apa yang saya sukai..

Behold... My Future
I will marry Nakamaru Yuichi.
After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in Japan in our fabulous Apartment.
We will have 5 kid(s) together.
Our family will zoom around in a Green sport.
I will spend my days as a Artist, and live happily ever after.
whats your future

kenapa bukan Daiki?
*nangis di sawah*

coba lagi akh..*sampai dapet Daiki*
ini hasilnya...

Behold... My Future
I will marry Chinen Yuuri.
After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in Prancis in our fabulous House.
We will have 3 kid(s) together.
Our family will zoom around in a Blue Marcedes.
I will spend my days as a President, and live happily ever after.
whats your future

kenapa gak dapat Daiki sih?
ok saya coba lagi...
*mulai pakai strategi*


ini hasilnya~

Behold... My Future
I will marry Arioka Daiki.
After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in Japan in our fabulous Shack.
We will have 1 kid(s) together.
Our family will zoom around in a Green BMW.
I will spend my days as a Artist, and live happily ever after.
whats your future

sudah cukup...

ja (TωT )/~

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