Tuesday, May 26, 2009



Also known as フランプール
Origin Flag of Japan Osaka Prefecture
Genre(s) J-Pop
Years active 2007 - present
Label(s) antwork (2008)
A-Sketch (2008 - )
Associated acts Kenji Tamai (2008 - )
Website http://www.flumpool.jp/
Ryuuta Yamamura (Vocals & Guitar)
Kazuki Sakai (Guitar)
Genki Amakawa (Bass)
Seiji Ogura (Drums)


The band, originally from the Osaka Prefecture was formed in January 2007. The band's name is derived from the English word "four", since there are four members, they took the first letter "f", along with the word meaning mass, "lump" and the word "pool".[citation needed]
In October 2008, they released a digital single
named "Hana ni Nare" (花になれ).



  • 2002
    • Yamamura and his childhood friend, Sakai, along with 1 other person (Amakawa), form a unit named cube, Yamamura plays acoustic guitar as well as does most vocals. Sakai also plays acoustic guitar while Amakawa plays bass guitar.
  • 2007
    • January 13, the band name is now changed to 'flumpool'. They meet Ogura who joins the band as the drummer. They will have lives in Osaka-jo Hall and "Live Houses" around Osaka.
    • July, the production of an independent single titled "Mirai Kanai" (ミライカナイ) is announced.
  • 2008
    • June 25, "Mirai Kanai" (ミライカナイ) is up for sale on indiesmusic.com.
    • July, the music video of "labo" is made. The video is ranked number 1 on Access Rankings.
    • August 27, both Tower Records and TSUTAYA hold the 5,000 limited copies of the independent trial single, "labo"
    • September 1, they are the Campaign Song Artist for the telephone servie, au KDDI "LISMO". September 20, there are plans for a song titled "Hana ni Nare" (花になれ). They are now the new face of the Song Campaign.
    • September 5, they are featured on Fuji TV's Mezamashi TV and perform on television for the first time.
    • October 1, release of the "Hana ni Nare" single. Their debut single with AMUSE, under the newly created sub-label, A-Sketch.
    • November 5, release of the second single "Over the rain ~Hikari no Hashi~" (Over the rain 〜ひかりの橋〜).


Indies Singles

  1. Mirai Kanai (ミライカナイ) (July 2007, Re-release: June 25, 2008)
  2. labo (August 27, 2008)
    • "Tower Records limited version" and "TSUTAYA RECORDS limited version", limited to 5,000 copies.
    • Opening theme of TBS's CDTV in August 2008


  1. Hana ni Nare (花になれ) (October 1, 2008)
    • au KDDI "LISMO" campaign song.
    • September 2008, SPACESHOWER TV's POWER PUSH song.
  2. Over the rain ~Hikari no Hashi~ (Over the rain 〜ひかりの橋〜) (November 5, 2008)
  3. Hoshi ni Negai wo (星に願いを, Wish Upon A Star) (February 25, 2009)

  4. MW ~Dear Mr. & Mrs. Picaresque~/Natsu Dive (MW ~Dear Mr. & Ms. ピカレスク~/夏Dive) (July 1, 2009)
    • MW ~Dear Mr. & Mrs. Picaresque~ is the theme song for the movie MW-ムウ-


  1. Unreal (November 19, 2008)


  1. How did we feel then? ~flumpool Tour 2009 "Unreal" Live at Shibuya Club Quattro~ (July 1, 2009)

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